TC Series – Copy

TC Series

BiTelecentric Lenses

BiTelecentric lenses represent the core business for Opto Engineering®.  These products benefit from two decades of progressive Research & Development, resulting in a wide range of lenses for a diverse and ever-growing number of applications.

TC Series lenses are “Bi-Telecentric”, meaning that the light rays are parallel on both the camera side as well as the object side. This important feature renders BiTelecentric lenses ideal for applications such as measurement and gaging, as the parallel rays on the object side ensure uniform spatial accuracy across the field of view, and the parallel rays on the camera side ensure uniform image intensity.

To select a telecentric lens, it’s best to know the optical format, or more accurately, the photoactive area, of the image sensor in your camera.

The OptoEngineering TC Series lenses are grouped by the Image Circle (Photoactive Area Diagonal of area-scan sensor, or PhotoActive Length of Line Scan Sensor) in the TABS below.

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