LT PRUP Series

High-Power 90 Watt Strobed LED Pattern Projector


Supports Strobe Mode Exclusively

Color: RED (625 nm)


Active Area Diameter 11.0 mm
Light Color, Peak Wavelength  Red, 625 nm
Spectral FWHM 20
Illuminance (1) 65 kLux


Risk Group CEI EN 62471:2010 Exempt


Operating mode (2) Strobe
Power Supply Mode Constant Current Driving
Peak Power Consumption 90.0 W
Max LED forward current (3) 17.0 A
Max Pulse Duration (3) 1.0 msec
Max Duty-Cycle 1.5 %
Estimated MTBF (4) > 50,000 Hours
Connector M12
Cables CBLT001 (Included)
  1. With a 35 mm lens, F/N 1.4 at 100 mm working distance without projection pattern at maximum driving current. Estimated value.
  2. To directly drive the LED, current control is necessary. External compatible controller from LTDV series must be used.
  3. At 25°C. At max pulse width (1 ms), max pulse frequency = 15 Hz. Contact us to check other admissible combinations of duty cycle-frequency-temperature.
  4. At 25° C.
  5. Including connector.
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