Dual-Magnification Bitelecentric Lenses

TCDP PLUS series are dual magnification telecentric lenses supporting two cameras to measure objects with different magnifications in the same Field of View. They are the perfect choice for measuring components of different sizes but also for applications where an entire sample and some of its smaller features have to be measured with the same accuracy.

TCDP PLUS lenses help to cut the cost of your vision system, in that you only need to integrate one lens, one illuminator and one mount.

TCDP PLUS lenses are compatible with CMHO clamping mechanics and LTCLHP collimated illuminators, as well as LTRN ring illuminators designed for the standard TC series.



1/2-in Camera
(mm x mm)
2/3-in Camera
(mm x mm)
1/2-in Camera
(mm x mm)
1/2-in Camera
(mm x mm)


TCDP 2MF 4MF 096

0.1371 in16.946.7 x 35.062.0 x 51.8103.6 x 54.8ø = 77.7278.616F Mount342.0117.0143.0$  4,565

2nd Port

0.1864/3 in21.634.4 x 25.845.7 x 38.176.3 x 40.4101.5 x 57.2278.616F Mount

TCDP 23C 4XC 096

0.0932/3 in11.068.8 x 51.691.4 x 76.2ø = 80.8na278.68C Mount338.0192.0143.0$  4,265

2nd Port

0.3742/3 in11.117.1 x 12.822.7 x 19.0ø = 20.1na278.612C Mount

TCDP 23C 4MC 096

0.0932/3 in11.068.8 x 51.691.4 x 76.2ø = 80.8na278.68C Mount338.0146.0143.0$  4,265

2nd Port

0.1864/3 in21.634.4 x 25.845.7 x 38.176.3 x 40.4101.5 x 57.2278.616C Mount

TCDP 12C 23C 096

0.0681/2 in8.0ø = 94.1ø = 104.3ø = 110.4na278.68C Mount318.089.0143.0$  4,265

2nd Port

0.0932/3 in11.068.8 x 51.691.4 x 76.2ø = 80.8na278.68C Mount

TCDP 2MF 4MF 120

0.1041 in16.561.5 x 46.281.7 x 68.2136.4 x 72.2ø = 102.3334.516F Mount427.0119.0180.0$  5,290

2nd Port

0.1434/3 in21.244.8 x 33.659.4 x 49.699.2 x 52.5132.0 x 74.4334.516F Mount

TCDP 23C 4XC 120

0.0722/3 in11.088.9 x 66.7118.1 x 98.5ø = 104.3na334.58C Mount423.0192.0180.0$  4,965

2nd Port

0.2862/3 in11.022.4 x 16.829.7 x 24.8ø = 26.3na334.512C Mount

TCDP 23C 4MC 120

0.0724/3 in11.088.9 x 66.7118.1 x 98.5ø = 98.6132.0 x 74.4334.58C Mount423.0148.0180.0$  4,965

2nd Port

0.1432/3 in21.244.8 x 33.659.4 x 49.699.2 x 52.5na334.516C Mount

TCDP 12C 23C 120

0.0521/2 in8.0ø = 123.1ø = 136.3ø = 144.4na334.58C Mount404.091.0180.0$  4,965

2nd Port

0.0722/3 in11.088.9 x 66.7118.1 x 98.5ø = 104.3na334.58C Mount

TCDP 2MF 4MF 144

0.0891 in16.871.9 x 53.995.5 x 79.7159.4 x 84.4ø = 119.5396.016F Mount487.0119.0200.0$  6,090

2nd Port

0.1224/3 in21.652.5 x 39.369.7 x 58.1116.3 x 61.6154.7 x 87.2396.016F Mount

TCDP 23C 4XC 144

0.0612/3 in11.0104.9 x 78.7139.3 x 116.2ø = 123.1na396.08C Mount483.0192.0200.0$  6,090

2nd Port

0.2442/3 in11.026.2 x 19.734.8 x 29.1ø = 30.8na396.012C Mount

TCDP 23C 4MC 144

0.0612/3 in11.0104.9 x 78.7139.3 x 116.2ø = 123.1na396.08C Mount483.0148.0200.0$  6,090

2nd Port

0.1224/3 in21.652.5 x 39.369.7 x 58.1116.3 x 61.6154.7 x 87.2396.016C Mount

TCDP 12C 23C 144

0.0441/2 in8.0ø = 145.5ø = 161.1ø = 170.7na396.08C Mount463.091.0200.0$  6,090

2nd Port

0.0612/3 in11.0104.9 x 78.7139.3 x 116.2ø = 123.1na396.08C Mount

TCDP 2MF 4MF 192

0.0671 in16.895.5 x 71.6126.9 x 105.8211.8 x 112.1ø = 158.8527.016F Mount627.0119.0260.0$ 11,090

2nd Port

0.0924/3 in21.669.6 x 52.292.4 x 77.1154.2 x 81.6205.2 x 115.7527.016F Mount

TCDP 23C 4XC 192

0.0462/3 in11.0139.1 x 104.3184.8 x 154.1ø = 163.3na527.08C Mount623.0192.0260.0$ 11,090

2nd Port

0.1832/3 in11.035.0 x 26.246.4 x 38.7ø = 41.0na527.012C Mount

TCDP 23C 4MC 192

0.0462/3 in11.0139.1 x 104.3184.8 x 154.1ø = 163.3na527.08C Mount623.0148.0260.0$ 11,090

2nd Port

0.0924/3 in21.669.6 x 52.292.4 x 77.1154.2 x 81.6205.2 x 115.7527.016C Mount

TCDP 12C 23C 192

0.0331/2 in8.0ø = 193.9ø = 214.8ø = 227.6na527.08C Mount604.091.0260.0$ 11,090

2nd Port

0.0462/3 in11.0139.1 x 104.3184.8 x 154.1ø = 163.3na5278C Mount

TCDP 2MF 4MF 240

0.0531 in16.2120.8 x 90.6160.4 x 133.8267.7 x 141.7ø = 200.8492.816F Mount789.095.0322.0$ 14,290

2nd Port

0.0734/3 in21.187.7 x 65.8116.4 x 97.1194.4 x 102.9258.6 x 145.8492.816F Mount

TCDP 23C 4XC 240

0.0372/3 in11173.0 x 129.7229.7 x 191.6ø = 203.0na492.88C Mount785.0192.0322.0$ 14,290

2nd Port

0.1472/3 in11.043.5 x 32.757.8 x 48.2ø = 51.1na492.812C Mount

TCDP 23C 4MC 240

0.0372/3 in11.0173.0 x 129.7229.7 x 191.6ø = 203.0na492.88C Mount785.0148.0322.0$  14,290

2nd Port

0.0734/3 in21.187.7 x 65.8116.4 x 97.1194.4 x 102.9258.6 x 145.8492.816C Mount

TCDP 23C 2MC 240

0.0372/3 in11.0173.0 x 129.7229.7 x 191.6ø = 203.0na492.88C Mount785.0124.0322.0$ 14,290

2nd Port

0.0531 in16.2120.8 x 90.6160.4 x 133.8ø = 267.7ø = 200.8492.816C Mount
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