Short-Wave Infrared Lenses

The SWIR and ENSWIRMP Series are short-wave infrared lenses specifically designed to operate in the 0.9-1.7 µm wavelength region.

These series have been specifically designed to match the new 15 µm format InGaAs FPA Focal Plane Arrays.
These lenses offer an industry standard C-mount threaded style interface or, alternatively, they can be equipped with a custom mount interface.

In the design of the lenses, great importance was attached to a good image quality and a large aperture (small F/#). These lenses, mounted on a SWIR camera, are the perfect choice for a variety of applications, including solar cell inspection, night vision imaging of outdoors scenes without additional illumination (security applications), detecting bruises on fruit, imaging through silicon, biomedical imaging and many other infrared applications.

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