MB-OLL Series

Oblique Line Lights


The Metaphase Oblique Line light is designed with unique angled LEDs to project light at a 20 degree angle.


The angled light makes the OLL great for creating a dark field/off-axis effect for line scan and area scan applications or for wrinkle detection.


Using high output LED technology, the Oblique/Wrinkle Line light produces high intensity lighting needed for high speed imaging.

Available Wavelengths

Power Source24VDC +/-5%
Cable (Typical)10 ft / (3.05 m) cable with flying leads
HousingBlack Anodized Aluminum
CoolingActive (fans)
Ambient Temperature-20 °C to 40 °C
Lifetime Expectancy75,000 hours (except UV)

Contact Rochester Imaging Technology for custom sizes.

Oblique Line Light Concept

As shown on the right, the MetaPhase Oblique Line Light (MB-OLL Series) projects light at a 20 degree angle with respect to the object.

This concept provides semi-darkfield illumination of the object or surface under inspection, which enhances the contrast of surface topographical features.



  • 20 degree angled LED and illumination. No need to waste space by rotating light for dark field effect.

  • Works for line and area scan applications

  • Active cooling for high intensity

  • Short side plates and clear end cap for greater efficiency and more usable light

  • Built-in constant current driver with 0-10V Intensity Control

  • Narrow housing profile for greater mounting flexibility

MB-OLL SERIES   Oblique Line Light


MB-OLL306  (10-inch Version)


MB-OLL1207 (55-inch Version)
MB-OLL2107 (100-inch Version)



Metaphase offers many Driver options to customize our lights to any specific application. Most Drivers are available in both Built-In (BI) and In-Line (IL) configurations and include features for Intensity Control, Triggering, Strobing, compatibility with LED Controllers such as the ULC-2 and other third-party controllers; Keyence and Trinity. Other Drivers offered are unique for compatibility with Cognex and Baumer cameras. These options provide greater flexibility, control, and convenience when integrating Metaphase illumination systems.

All drivers will not be compatible with every light of every size.

24CV24V, Constant Voltage
24Z24V, Constant Current with 0-10V Intensity Control
24NZ24V, Constant Current with No 0-10V Intensity Control
24-BIS10024V, Built-In Strobe, 100µs
24-BIS25024V, Built-In Strobe, 250µs
24-BIS30024V, Built-In Strobe, 300µs
24Z-TRG24V, Built-In Trigger with 0-10V Intensity Control
24Z-FTRG24V, Built-In Fast Trigger with 0-10V Intensity Control
24-ILD24V, In-Line Dimmer
24-ILD2,3,4,524V, In-Line Dimmer 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILDT24V, In-Line Dimmer with Trigger
24-ILDT2,3,4,524V, In-Line Dimmer with Trigger 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILDFT24V, In-Line Dimmer with Fast Trigger
24-ILZ24V, In-Line 0-10V Intensity Control
24-ILZ2,3,4,524V, In-Line 0-10V Intensity Control, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILNZ24V, In-Line Constant Current with No 0-10V Intensity Control
24-ILT24V, In-Line Trigger
24-ILT2,3,4,524V, In-Line Trigger, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILFT24V, In-Line Fast Trigger
24-ILFT2,3,4,524V, In-Line Fast Trigger, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILZT24V, In-Line 0-10V Intensity Control with Trigger
24-ILZT2,3,4,524V, In-Line 0-10V Intensity Control with Trigger 2, 3, 4 or 5 Channel
24-ILS5024V, In-Line Strobe, 50µs
24-ILS10024V, In-Line Strobe, 100µs
24-ILS25024V, In-Line Strobe, 250µs
24-ILS30024V, In-Line Strobe, 300µs
24-ILS50024V, In-Line Strobe, 500µs
24-ILS70024V, In-Line Strobe, 700µs
24-ILS100024V, In-Line Strobe, 1000µs
24-ILS150024V, In-Line Strobe, 1500µs
UUniversal LED Controller (ULC) Compatible
U2Universal LED Controller (ULC) Compatible, Dual
TRNTRINITY Controllers Compatible
COGCOGNEX Cameras Compatible
BMRBAUMER Cameras Compatible
BCFemale Barrel Connector
M8AMale M8 A-Code 4-Position
BM8ABulkhead Male M8 A-Code 4-Position
M12A, M12DMale M12 A-code 5-Position
BM12ABulkhead Male M12 A-code 5-Position
BM12DBulkhead Male M12 D-Code 5-Position
M12TMale M12 T-Code 4-Position
BM12TBulkhead Male M12 T-Code 4-Position
M12YMale M12 Y-Code 8-Position
BM12YBulkhead Male M12 Y-Code 8-Position
T30Bulkhead Male (Turck RSF30) 3-Position
BT30Bulkhead Male (Turck RSF30) 3-Position
DB9Male D-Subminiature 9-Position
DB15Male D-Subminiature 15-Position
KEYKEYENCE Controllers Compatible
MB-OLL Datasheet   
MB-OLL306 (10-inch) Drawings
MB-OLL806 (35-inch) Drawings
MB-OLL1207 (55-inch) Drawings
MB-OLL1307 (60-inch) Drawings
MB-OLL2107 (100-inch) Drawings
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